Issue 7
If by any chance you are not familiar with the idea of Pulitzer, please find a short explanation which is an excerpt from Wikipedia:
The Pulitzer Prize is an American award for achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature and musical composition. It was established in 1917 by American publisher Joseph Pulitzer, and is given to the best writers by Columbia University in New York City. Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of these, each winner receives a certificate and a US$10,000 cash award. The winner in the public service category of the journalism competition is awarded a gold medal, which always goes to a newspaper, although an individual may be named in the citation.
In our school we did not give prize money but we did give a book for the best writer so the winner was Anna Wasilewska!
Please find below all entries to our competition:
Doorkeepers (Odźwierni) - Ania Wasilewska
Natalia Gaweł
Natural Disasters (Klęski żywiołowe) - Ela Krzeczek
Karen Kingsbury "Ocalić życie" - Faustyna Dulewicz
When dreams come true... (Kiedy marzenia się spełniają...) - Ola Lewandowska
The world is a small place (Jaki ten świat mały) - Paweł Konieczny
Why? - (Dlaczego?) - Ewa Białowąs